75 Navaho Avenue
Suite 2 (Street side)
Mankato, MN 56001

Swedish Massage

What is Swedish Massage?
Swedish massage therapy is the most common technique used. This mindful approach involves soft, long, kneading strokes, and light, rhythmic, tapping strokes on the topmost layers of muscle. Practitioners will also combine movement of the joints. This technique is popular with individuals looking for a relaxation massage, or people new to massage therapy, but there are many therapeutic benefits as well.
What Are the Benefits of Swedish Massage Therapy?
By relieving muscle tension and improving circulation, Swedish massage therapy is both relaxing and energizing, enhancing the mind-body connection and promoting overall wellbeing. It may help to reduce pain symptoms and joint stiffness while improving flexibility, range of motion, and posture. For local athletes, Swedish massage can aid in healing sport and exercise injuries, and flushing out lactic acid buildup in the muscles.
About My Practice
Other benefits of Swedish massage technique include improved mood, better sleep, more energy, and enhanced immune system. If you struggle with back, neck or joint pain, or imbalanced stress and energy levels, a Swedish massage is a great option. Here at my Mankato practice, I work with each client to identify concerns, and provide a unique therapy that combines massage, mindfulness techniques, and energy healing.